Launch a Movement
Imagine your lay people striving to live out their baptismal call to holiness, longing for the sacraments, praying daily, and going out to bring more people to Jesus in the Church.
Imagine your Catholic community equipped with lay people who can fruitfully witness and make more disciples of Jesus in the world.
It’s possible! They are just waiting to be personally called into mission and formed to carry out Jesus’ call to make disciples.
The Evangelical Catholic (EC) will train and coach you to create such a culture of lay evangelization in your community!

Jesus’ Mission Process
The expectations placed on a priest today are monumental. Time and energy to intentionally reach all those in need of God’s love is limited.
In Matthew 9:36-39 we see that Jesus, the Good Shepherd, experienced the same thing. His heart aches to reach more of the crowds. His solution was to prayerfully identify and build intentional relationships with a core group of disciples.
He then sent them on a mission to seek the lost sheep and make disciples of all nations.
Following Jesus’ mission process, the EC walks with you to find, form, and train more witnesses and disciple makers to send into your community!

Reach More™
The EC helps you do this with our relational ministry process Reach More.
There are plenty of resources and programs available for priests. What’s needed is support and accompaniment. Reach More does this.
Reach More combines proven online learning and customized coaching to navigate the needs and challenges of evangelization particular to your community.

Customized Coaching
Our experienced consultants personally help you to identify those who can build and shepherd a growing movement of evangelization in your community.
These one or two “point people” are trained in facilitating encounters with Jesus and leading lay people into mature discipleship. Your point people receive the tools to then accompany people into their own apostolate of evangelization in the world.
The result? Spiritual multiplication and a culture of evangelization and discipleship!

Reach More™
Are you ready to launch a movement?
Let’s begin together to ignite a new culture in your community!