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Donate: Reach More Supporters

You Can Help Sponsor an Underprivileged Parish!

Watch the videos below to see how just $10 a month will transform an underprivileged parish like Fr. Eduardo’s in Belize or Rosa’s in California’s Imperial Valley.

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Fr. Eduardo Montemayor is the pastor of San Pedro Catholic Church in Belize. He wants to work with us but doesn’t have the funds to partner with us.

This Easter, Fr. Eduardo looked out on a congregation filled with many faces he didn’t recognize. He couldn’t reach out to these new people on his own. He probably won’t see them again until Christmas (perhaps never again).

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Rosa Franco is from the Brawley Catholic Community in California’s Imperial Valley. Rosa wanted to share the love of Jesus but didn’t have the skills or confidence to know how. She believed that she couldn’t evangelize to those she loved. As you well know, stories like Fr. Eduardo’s and Rosa’s are not unusual, and ministries reach out to me in this same situation.

The good news is that you can help!

You can give a mission training scholarship to an underprivileged parish in a rural, inner city, or low-income community. This gift will sponsor a Reach MoreTM partnership and gives a pastor like Fr. Eduardo, and many others, the tools he needs to bring people to Jesus. It will give someone like Rosa the joy, confidence, and grace she needs to share the Gospel with those in her community.

The Evangelical Catholic, Inc. is recognized as exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is classified as a public charity under section 170(b)(1)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code. No goods or services, other than intangible religious benefits, were received in exchange for the contributions reported herein. Federal Tax ID: 39-1947596