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Discover Jesus’ Proven Method of Evangelization.

The world needs Jesus. But many do not know God’s love. To reach them, the Church needs more than great programs and resources. We need a vibrant movement of lay people who can reach more.

For Pastors For Lay Leaders

Our Motivation

Jesus doesn’t tell us: ‘Lower your eyes, look at the fields and go and reap’. Our mission is more sublime still. Here are Jesus’ words: ‘Lift your eyes and see. See how in heaven there are empty places, he asks you to fill them. You are my praying Moses on the mountain; request workers of me, and I will send them. I only wait for a prayer, a sigh of your heart!’

St. Therese of Lisieux

Story of a Soul

The liberating message of the Gospel of Life has been put into your hands. Like the great Apostle Paul, you too must feel the full urgency of the task. This is no time to be ashamed of the Gospel. It is the time to preach it from the rooftops!

St. Pope John Paul II

World Youth Day homily, Denver

The task of evangelizing all people constitutes the essential mission of the Church. It is a task and mission which the vast and profound changes of present-day society make all the more urgent. Evangelizing is in fact the grace and vocation proper to the Church, her deepest identity. She exists in order to evangelize.

Pope Paul VI

Evangelii nuntiandi, 14

Sometimes, I speak of the Church as if it were a field hospital. It’s true: there are many, many wounded! So many people need their wounds healed! This is the mission of the Church: to heal the wounds of the heart.

Pope Francis

Interview with La Civilta Cattolica

We must be convinced that all the baptized—unless they die early or are incapable of making such a decision—will eventually be called to make a personal choice to live as a disciple of Jesus Christ in the midst of his Church.

Sherry Weddell

Forming Intentional Disciples, p. 70

About Us

Building the Kingdom

Relational ministry is changing the way pastors, staff, and parishioners envision the goals of Church life. For over 20 years, The Evangelical Catholic has served parishes, university ministries, and thousands of individual leaders across the nation to launch evangelizing movements in their communities.

Our Story


Evangelization is not just another project. It is the mission of the parish and of the Church. That’s where The Evangelical Catholic comes in; they have the vision and methodology. As a pastor, don’t you want everyone in your parish to be on fire with the Holy Spirit, in love with Jesus, and wanting to transform the world for Christ?

Bishop Donald J. Hying

Bishop, Diocese of Madison WI

I’m so thankful for the intentionality of the EC’s coaching. Being connected to other campus ministries through this movement is also really

Carly Bosse

Director of Campus Ministry, University of South Florida Catholic Student Union

Not only does the EC have a solid theological understanding of the evangelization process given to us by the Church, they also have years and years of practical experience that has borne fruit in the lives of countless individuals…. The goal of the EC is not to become entrenched in a diocese but to empower the diocese to train others in the method of evangelization given to us by the Church.

Sean Ater

Director of the Office of the New Evangelization, Archdiocese of Cincinnati

How We Can Help

Your community can reach more.

The Evangelical Catholic will help your community launch a sustained movement of discipleship and evangelization.

For Pastors

Are you a pastor who’s looking to raise a movement of laborers?

“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few” (Matthew 9:37). When the lay faithful labor with you to bring Jesus to the world, your parish can become the vibrant community it’s meant to be.

Launch a Movement

For Lay Leaders

Are you a lay leader yearning to deepen the culture of discipleship in your community?

As a baptized Catholic, you have a special role in bringing the mission of Jesus into your everyday life. You are the salt and light in your family and your community of friends and coworkers.

Become a Leader

How To Get Started

Our Impact

This is a movement that is making a measurable difference.

Think you’re too far away? Trust us, you’re not. We’ve partnered with over 200 ministries across the nation since we started.

  • 222 All-Time Ministries Served
  • 3,067 Total Lay Leaders Raised
  • 5,018 Catholics Currently in Small Groups
See Impact Details

Take Action

Are you ready to answer the call to mission?

Let’s start the conversation about beginning a movement in your community!