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Because of you, more Catholics are boldly living the gospel in their lives every day.

Your thoughtful gift transforms lives! When you give to the Evangelical Catholic, you are helping individuals across the country receive training, resources, and community support to reach others with God’s love and live out the Great Commission in their daily lives!

We work hard to leverage all of our resources to equip local Catholic parishes and ministry organizations for fruitful, dynamic evangelization. We work with pastoral and lay leaders to build Catholic communities that not only renew themselves through evangelization, but most importantly, reach the fringes with the gospel. Our God longs for his people to reach more souls with his love and compassion.

In Isaiah 49, God says that it is too little a thing for Isaiah to renew the people of Israel; he longs for Isaiah’s message to be a light beyond Israel to the nations. Jesus made it clear that he did not come for the healthy or for those that could already see. He came for the sick, for the blind, for the lost sheep. Accordingly, Pope Francis exhorts the Church to reach beyond those in the pews into the existential peripheries. Our passion is to equip Catholics to reach those who have not yet found their home in Jesus Christ. Please join us in serving our Lord and his Church in this way!

Thank you for your interest in our mission. We will passionately use your sacrificial gifts to reach more lives with his good news.

Donation FAQ

Have questions about your charitable giving?

Is this donation tax deductible?

Yes! The Evangelical Catholic, Inc. is recognized as exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is classified as a public charity under section 170(b)(1)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code.  Federal Tax ID: 39-1947596 Please keep your donation receipt for your tax records.

Can I give stock or other assets?

Absolutely. To learn how to give stock or other assets, visit evangelicalcatholic.org/ways-to-give. And always feel free to reach out to us at donations@evangelicalcatholic.org or (608) 820-1288 if you have any particular questions about your gift.

I have a question or need help with my gift, who do I reach out to?

Our Mission Advancement team is happy to answer questions, talk through a gift idea, or point you to additional resources you might appreciate. Reach out to us at donations@evangelicalcatholic.org or call us at (608) 820-1288.

The Evangelical Catholic, Inc. is recognized as exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is classified as a public charity under section 170(b)(1)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code. No goods or services, other than intangible religious benefits, were received in exchange for the contributions reported herein. Federal Tax ID: 39-1947596