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Conferences by the Evangelical Catholic

We’re excited to offer a national conference for priests and bishops, and regional conferences for lay Catholics. See how we can equip and sustain you in your unique vocation and mission!

Priests for an Apostolic Age 2025

Early Bird Registration Ends September 15!


Join us in San Antonio January 2025 for a prayerful, inspiring, and practical experience that will give you vision and tools to recharge your ministry and activate apostolic laity in your community. You and other Catholic priests and bishops will learn practical, actionable ways to instill a culture of discipleship in your community, and send your parishioners out as evangelizers in the world.



Secure Your Spot Today!

Regional Conferences for Lay People

The world needs evangelical Catholics—missionary disciples rooted in Christ and the Church, who bring the light of faith, hope, and love into every corner of the world.

Join a movement of normal (yet extraordinary) Catholics who are taking hold of the abundant life of Jesus. Discover how deep prayer, authentic community, and relational mission can bring joy and fruitfulness to your life and the lives of those around you.


We’re excited to announce our first regional conference to equip and sustain lay Catholics for a lifestyle of following Jesus and sharing him with others.

Join us this October to:

    • Find inspiration for becoming fully alive in your lay vocation
    • Refocus on what’s most important and be refreshed in your life with God
    • Identify your unique mission in the world
    • Create a plan for a lifetime of missionary discipleship
    • Connect with other evangelical Catholics
Learn More and Register!