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Grow in Discipleship

Dig deeper into the heart and habits of discipleship.

Strengthen your commitment to Jesus and help others do the same.

Facilitate Growth

Want to begin deepening a culture of discipleship in your community? Get started with these self-guided resources from The Evangelical Catholic! 

Although not a replacement for Reach More™, they can serve as catalysts for the Holy Spirit to elicit an encounter with Jesus.


Nextstep guides believers step-by-step into the transformative habits of authentic discipleship. Every “step” in this free online resource prompts a simple action or habit to grow as a disciple.

Wherever you are in your journey following Jesus, we’ll help you take your next step, from growing in prayer to helping others take their next steps.

Grow closer to God one step at a time.


Take the Next Step

1% Challenge™

1% of the day is 14 Minutes and 24 Seconds (we round up to 15 minutes). That’s 90 hours a year!

Challenge yourself and others to pledge 1% of the day to praying with the word of God. 

Our resources guide people to spend that time fruitfully with four easy steps: Read. Reflect. Respond. Rest. This is the saint-recommended way of reading Scripture known as lectio divina (divine reading).  

15 minutes a day with the word of God can change lives!


Commit to the 1% Challenge


Small Group Discussion Guides

Browse our selection of books meant to serve as catalysts for the Holy Spirit to elicit meaningful Christ-filled discussions.

Whether you’re leading a small group or looking for resources to recommend to leaders in your community, these books are for you.


Explore our Bookstore

Keep in Touch!

Be a part of the movement.

Let’s talk about how we can help you transform your community.