The Evangelical Catholic in the World
Read our White Paper! Peter Andrastek, senior consultant, lays out a strategy for Church leadership to form a new paradigm for mission, evangelization, and personal apostolates.
EC President Jason Simon discusses his faith background and how that led him to discover his mission with Dcn. Charlie Echeverry on Living the Call.
Mari Pablo, ministry consultant, sits down with Alejandro Bermúdez of EWTN Español’s Cara a Cara to share about her experience with the Evangelical Catholic and her work with Spanish-speaking communities.
Jason joins Fr. Gerard Gentleman on Catholic Faith Network (CFN) Live to share how he came to the Evangelical Catholic, and how he seeks to help parish and campus ministries in the evangelization movement.
Jason chats with Fr. Rob Jack on Driving Home the Faith about how the Evangelical Catholic’s mission helps form Catholics into missionary disciples.
Jason appears as a guest on Catholic Community Radio’s Wake Up! Live to discuss the Evangelical Catholic and our work in building up personal apostolates.
Jason catches up with Andrew Robinson on the Petrus Development Blog on what the Evangelical Catholic has been up to during the pandemic.
Peter appears on The Catholic Morning Show with Joe Leonetti to introduce listeners to the Evangelical Catholic and our mission in the Church.
Jason pens a guest article for online blog Catholic Link: 5 Things Great Catholic Evangelizers Do.
Jason and Mari join hosts Fr. Randy Sly and Kyle Pietrantonio on Duc in Altum’s Follow to Lead podcast to talk about how the Evangelical Catholic helps form regular Catholics into missionary disciples.
Jason introduces the Evangelical Catholic and our mission to guest host Sherry Brownrigg on Ave Maria Radio’s Catholic Connection with Teresa Tomeo.
Peter joins hosts hosts Todd Sylvester and Ellen Taylor on Archangel Radio’s LA Catholic Morning to explain the Evangelical Catholic and our mission.
Jason sits down with Dominic de Souza of SmartCatholics to explain the Evangelical Catholic, our mission, and our impact.
Jason speaks with Matt Swaim and Annie Mitchell of the Son Rise Morning Show about how the Evangelical Catholic equips those to live out the essential mission of the Church.
Mari spoke to Spanish-language Catholic news outlet Aciprensa about the work the Evangelical Catholic is doing in Spanish-speaking communities.
Peter appears as speaker at the 2021 Theology of the Body Virtual Conference. Peter gives a talk called “Evangelization in Everyday Life through Theology of the Body.”
Deacon John Green, mission advancement officer, talks with Exploring Catholicism‘s “Padre Jay” about his life-long experience in ministry and his current work with the Evangelical Catholic.
Peter talks with Jim Jansen and Fr. Jeff Lorig on the Archdiocese of Omaha’s EquipCast about the difference between ministry and apostolate and how the distinction will help the Church empower its lay people to evangelize.
André Lesperance, senior content creator and ministry consultant, speaks with host of the Christian Circle Podcast, Pamela Q. Fernandez, about meditating the Christian way.
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