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Pray for our Campuses

Support our Campus Partners

“First of all, then, I ask that supplications, prayers, petitions, and thanksgivings be offered for everyone….” – 1 Timothy 2:1 (NABRE)

Submit Your Prayers

Share Your Prayers and Spiritual Works

Use this form to share how you’ve been praying for our campus ministry partners. As the Fall semester approaches, we’ll let them know that they’re supported by generous people like you.

Thanks to you, these young Catholics are being equipped to bring Jesus into their mission field – campus communities – and share the love of Christ with others in innovative ways. Andrew Jensen, a graduate student at the University of Florida in Gainesville, FL, shared how Reach More mission training from the Evangelical Catholic helped him embrace his call to being a disciple:

I was baptized into the Church in 2022, so when I was invited into mission training that same year I didn’t feel prepared to take that step. I grew up with no faith background and was solidly agnostic and was still learning so much about the faith, but I felt the Holy Spirit pushing me to take the leap. I’m so glad I did! After the training, I felt more confident and bold when sharing my faith experience.

This summer, take your support one step further and offer prayers for our campus ministry partners. Consider offering spiritual works for them: fasting, holy hours, Mass intentions, etc.

As the Fall semester approaches, we will send your prayers and offerings to each of our campus ministry partners. They will know that they are not alone as they accompany students, and that you are walking with them as they equip young Catholics to boldly share their faith with others.


Thank you!