Before you start asking your small group any of the three types of questions, help the group warm up by planning a launching discussion.
The general goal of the small group launching discussion is simple: get people talking. Even better: get people sharing meaningful things in a simple and unthreatening way. This builds trust and paves the way for deeper sharing when discussing God’s Word.
The launching discussion can last anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes and will take different forms depending on the phase and maturity of the group. Groups just starting out will rely more on get-to-know-you type of questions. For groups that have grown together for a while, it is best to use the launching discussion as a chance to hear updates from previously-discussed resolutions, life situations, or prayer suggestions. People need to know each other to grow in both human and spiritual friendship. Keep a balance of natural and spiritual questions.
A Few Ideas
- General Check-in Questions
- “Highs & Lows” – Share a blessing and a challenge since we last met.
- “Grace Sharing” – Where did you experience God this past week?
- Seasonal Prompts
- What do you hope to get out of Lent this year?
- What was one of your favorite moments from this holiday season?
- Prayer Check-in Questions
- Let’s share our experiences from using last week’s prayer suggestions.
- How did prayer go this week? Any blessings, insights, or struggles to share?